Endocrine & MetabolicLipids


Updated: 10th Nov 2023


·         Main storage form of fats within the body.

Raised TG

·         Investigate – Fasting Lipid, Urine dip [exc. nephrotic syndrome], glucose, LFT, U&Es, TFT

·         Secondary causes – DMAlcohol, Hypothyroidism, nephrotic syndrome, Steroid, Obesity, COC, B Blocker


·         Refer immediately if [>10 in diabetics] or [>20]

·         Aim < 1.7 – reduce risk of pancreatitis

·         Drug treatment only if > 5.6

·         Raised cholesterol & TG

·         Simvastatin 40mg OD

·         Check 8w fasting lipid

·         If TG > 5.6, Omacor 1gm BD, increase to 2gm BD if inadequate effect – Recheck 8w

·         If still > 5.6 refer or fibrate [measure CK before & 8w after] or nicotinic acid

·         Raised TG only

·         Omacor 1gm BD, increase to 2gm BD if inadequate effect – Recheck 8w

·         If > 5.6 referral